22 August 2015

Logistical Grace

(adapted from taped messages of R. B. Thieme, Jr., late pastor of Berachah Church, Houston, TX)

From the military background of supply and logistics comes a Bible doctrine based on analogy.

Logistics plays an important and dramatic part in warfare, but logistics plays an even greater part in your life as a Christian believer. Every believer is alive today because of logistical grace.

Logistical grace includes three factors of divine provision.
  1. Life support is provided for every Church Age believer. This explains how and why we are alive every moment. The only reason we are alive is because of God the Father’s grace provision, logistical grace. [This provision is called a “grace” provision because] we do not earn or deserve it; there's no work we can accomplish to keep ourselves alive.
  2. Blessing is provided for every Church Age believer, both winners and losers. This dramatizes the justice of God; the justice of God sends life support and blessing to the indwelling righteousness of God in both winners and losers. This emphasizes grace. You are alive only because of the grace of God, not because of anything you do. Winners utilize logistical grace, losers coast on it, but never utilize it.
  3. Divine provision for every Church Age believer to execute the plan of God. All doctrine comes from the prepared pastor-teacher. If you have persistent positive volition, you will find doctrine and your right pastor-teacher.
Link to full article: https://goo.gl/eouPrh 

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