22 August 2015

Hardness of the Heart (Scar Tissue of the Soul)

The apostle Paul issued a stern warning to mature Christian believers living at Ephesus (Ephesians 4:17 ff) when he told them to beware of falling into a state of indifference to, or antagonism to, the word of God. He stated that if they were to become negative to the Lord's teachings, their lives would very quickly become indistinguishable from those of unbelievers in terms of fruitfulness and Christian character.

Prolonged negative volition, a continued neglect of the Word of God or the commands of Scripture, a refusal to walk in faith and be occupied with Christ, lead a Christian into a spiritual condition known as hardness of the heart.

Complete Bible study here:  https://goo.gl/bWm5Nv 

Warren Doud
Grace Notes
Topics Library: http://www2.gracenotes.info/topics/

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